WhatsApp will likely introduce its Events feature to personal chats soon. The Meta-owned messaging platform first brought this feature to WhatsApp Communities in May 2024. Reports now suggest that the company is testing the functionality in individual chats for both Android and iOS users. It may roll out to global users in the upcoming days. Previously, the platform was testing a feature that would allow users to add music to their Status updates, similar to the feature on Instagram, another Meta-owned social media site.
Events Feature in Individual WhatsApp Chats for Android, iOS Users
WhatsApp is testing a feature that will help users create and share events in individual chats, according to a WABetaInfo report. Currently, the feature is supported only in group chats and Communities. The feature is currently being tested with beta users on both Android (version and iOS (version
Some beta testers have already received the event scheduling feature, and it is gradually rolling out to more users, the reports noted. It may roll out to regular users in the upcoming months. Previously, users had to create two-person groups as a workaround to schedule events, but with this update, they will be able to organise any necessary events on their personal chats.
The new feature allows WhatsApp users to schedule and manage events directly within private conversations. The report notes that it reduces the need for back-and-forth messaging by collating all necessary information in a single message.
WhatsApp users can make use of the events feature for personal as well as professional purposes including planning casual meetups, booking doctor appointments, organising business consultations, and setting payment reminders. Users can specify locations for in-person meetings or attach audio/video call links for virtual interactions while creating an event. Recipients have the option to accept or decline invitations as well.