OnePlus Watch 2 was launched in February this year, and rumours about its successor are doing rounds on the Web. Most recently, a report has surfaced online suggesting new health features that are likely coming to the OnePlus Watch 3. Evidence of the features were reportedly spotted on the latest version of OHealth app. The upcoming OnePlus Watch 3 is expected to be introduced during the global unveiling of the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R.

The addition of new health features on the OnePlus Watch 3 was discovered by Android Authority via an APK teardown of the latest version 4.30.11_e27d199_241122 of the OHealth app. The upcoming wearable will reportedly have an ECG. The publication shared screenshots of the feature showing that it can detect conditions like atrial fibrillation (AFib), frequent PVCs, high or low heart rates, and more. The paired phone may need specific requirements to use this feature but it can be also accessible directly on the watch.

As per the report, the latest app also indicates a Wrist Temperature function. To access this feature, users may need to establish a baseline temperature by sleeping with the watch for at least five days and with at least one sleep session lasting four or more hours.

The OnePlus Watch 3 series is also said to get a 60-second Checkup feature. This functionality keeps track of heart health, blood vessel elasticity, and sleep snoring using seven health indicators including blood oxygen levels, ECG measurements, sleep, vascular age, and more. Further, the OHealth app will reportedly get a Health tab that hosts Health Insights and Health journey features.

OnePlus Watch 3 Specifications (Leaked)

Recent leaks have suggested that the OnePlus Watch 3 will launch in global markets alongside the OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R. It could run on Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 SoC paired with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage. The watch is expected to pack a 631mAh-rated battery, which may have a typical value of 648mAh. 

Additionally, a recent report has hinted that the OnePlus Watch 3 could also get a Pro variant. 


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